on the seven factors of enlightenment

bojjhańga samyutta

Saṃyutta Nikāya 46 of 56

Translated by: Bhikkhu Sujato
Read by: Roland Kitchen



The “Linked Discourses on the Awakening Factors” contains 184 discourses on the seven awakening factors. These are qualities such as mindfulness and investigation which lead the meditator to awakening. The focus here is specifically on meditation, rather than the more holistic approach included in the previous chapter on the Path. Some distinctive features of this collection include the use recitation of the awakening factors in order to inspire those who are sick, and the frequent contrast between the seven awakening factors and the five hindrances.

SN 46.53 Fire

Translated by Rupert Gethin © Read by Roland Kitchen

SN 46.53 Fire
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