on the path

  magga Samyutta

Saṃyutta Nikāya 45 of 56

Translated by: Bhikkhu Sujato
Read by: Roland Kitche



The “Linked Discourses on the Path” contains 180 discourses on the noble eightfold path, the “middle way” which is the first and most important of all the Buddha’s teachings on the path of spiritual practice. It is mentioned in the first discourse as the fourth noble truth. It begins with “right view” which is initially an accurate conceptual understanding, based on hearing the teachings and reflecting on their meaning. The second factor is right intention, referring to the attitude or motivation that shapes practice. Next come three factors dealing with ethical conduct. And the final three factors directly deal with meditation. Once all these factors are mature, “right immersion” or the four absorptions (jhānas) enables the initial conceptual understanding to ascend to a higher level of insight and letting go. While this and subsequent chapters contains many substantive discourses on this theme, the large number of discourses is mainly attributable to the formulaic “repetition series” which append each chapter.

SN 45.1 Ignorance

Translated by Rupert Gethin © Read by Roland Kitchen